ENTANGLED Ausstellung mit Muningandu S. Hoveka in Oxford

JOIN US IN OXFORD | 19th June 2024

We are delighted that our exhibition about colonialism, monuments and memory is travelling to Rhodes House, Oxford, presenting the work of six artists from South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe. It forms part of the Rhodes Trust’s new contemporary art programming, and has emerged through the work of the Rhodes Trust to critically engage with the history and legacy of Cecil John Rhodes.

You are warmly invited to join us for the opening, together with Director Julie Taylor.

Southern African Artists reflect on Colonialism, Monuments & Memory
Nicola Brandt, Isheanesu Dondo, Muningandu Hoveka,
Tuli Mekondjo, Zenaéca Singh and Gift Uzera

Opens Wednesday 19th June
Rhodes House, South Parks Road, Oxford
18:00 - 20:00


The past decade in southern Africa has borne witness to an unprecedented ideological shift: three interlinked movements, Rhodes Must Fall, Fees Must Fall and Black Lives Matter, have reframed the ways in which many of us think and speak about our cultural and educational traditions and their symbols, calling on us to recognise the ongoing impact of colonial history. Within this, local and global debates about monuments and memorialisation have played a central part. Who and what do we publicly remember, and how?

Through a selection of artworks produced since Rhodes Must Fall, Guns & Rain’s exhibition Entangled takes an intimate look at how artists in South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe have grappled with colonial legacies, their material manifestations and visual symbolism, and the possibility of decolonisation.
